
monsters, asemic writing, and stuff

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Monday, December 3, 2007

It involves trained giant sloths dropped from helicopters, several marching bands and a mysterious grove of bamboo. Pure and simple.

Listening to: Candido - [Drum Fever #07] Sultry

Smurf Declaration of Independence

by Jordy Lee
age 7

I, Jay E. Smurf, say that this is so we get free of America once and for all! [loud cheers]

And that we are free of their laws! They aren't the only ones that have the right to be free! [loud cheering]

We can be free by fighting for justice,peace, and faith! We can be a strong country if we try! I have made a song to prove our faith. It goes like this:

We are the Smurfs,
And we do what we please!
Yes, We are the Smurfs!

And so, fellow smurfs, we must win a war started by America. We will end this war, and I mean we will end this war, and I mean we will win it, not run away like chickens.

We are winners, and we know it! Nobody can stop us from winning the war!
We are the best! We even get our oil cheaper from Iran. We don't have energy problems, they do.

We are the best!

Jay E. Smurf

Listening to: The Pillows - [FLCL/Furikuri Soundtrack] Ride on Shooting Star
